Series::Bubblegum Crisis Title::Bubblegum Crash! Masquerade 2034 Song Of Knight Sabers OrderInfo::Polydor POCH-2028|May-25-1991|Y3000 TrackInfo::9 tracks Playtime::39:23 Comment::This is an image CD, with music sung by the actresses, and not found on the soundtrack. Also features the new Priss. Recommended. Track 1 is typical BGC instrumental. Track 2, Kiss Me, by the new Priss, is a great rocker song. Track 3 is a pretty good funk song, This Night. The majority of the rest are pretty good, although there is a track that sounds as bad to me as hearing C-ko Kotobuki belt one out. Listing::# 1$ tMasquerade 2034$ # 2$ tKISS ME BOY$ # 3$ tTHIS NIGHT$ # 4$ tJohnny's Bar$ # 5$ tFAIRY LAND$ # 6$ twatashi kara Say good-by$ # 7$ tSOME BODY...$ # 8$ tkoko kara no STORY$ # 9$ tsaigou ni$