Series::Gall Force Title::Lady's - Song of Gall Force OrderInfo::Polydor POCH-2011|Aug-25-1990|Y3000 TrackInfo::10 tracks Playtime::38:38 Comment:: Listing:: # 1$ t???$ iInstrumental$ # 2$ tGROWING UP$ iVocal$ # 3$ tMoonlight Diamonds$ iVocal$ # 4$ tNervous Night$ iVocal$ # 5$ tIn the Earth ???$ iVocal$ # 6$ t???$ iVocal$ # 7$ tDoki Doki EVERYDAY$ iVocal$ # 8$ tDay Dream$ iVocal$ # 9$ tSERIOUS EYES$ iVocal$ #10$ tDream Again$ iSpecial Version$ $Vocal$