Series::Maison Ikkoku Title::Maison Ikkoku 1992 Music Calendar OrderInfo::Kitty KACD-1015|1992|Y2700 TrackInfo::12 tracks Playtime::21:24 Comment::CD plus calendar, synthesizer remixes based on original show themes. Some are well done, others stink. Ranma-ized character drawings in the booklet. Listing:: # 1$ tkanashimi yo konnichiwa$ aHello! Sadness$ # 2$ tashita hareru ka$ aWill it be fine tomorrow?$ # 3$ tCi-ne-ma$ # 4$ tAlone again$ # 5$ tGet down$ # 6$ tyokan$ aPresentiment$ # 7$ tFantasy$ # 8$ tsukisa$ aI love you$ # 9$ tSunny shiny morning$ #10$ tSayonara no Dessin$ aA goodbye sketch$ #11$ thidamari$ aA sunny spot$ #12$ tBegin The Night$