Series::Sakamoto Maaya Title::Grapefruit Picture::$HOME/VICL-60012.jpg OrderInfo::Victor VICL-60012|Apr-23-1997|Y3045 TrackInfo::11 tracks: 11 vocal Playtime::51:59 Comment::Maaya's first J-Pop album. 5 tracks are from Escaflowne.\n This album was produced by Kanno Youko. Listing:: #1$ tFeel Myself$ p6:54$ sSakamoto Maaya$ #2$ tI and I$ p5:15$ sSakamoto Maaya$ #3$ tGUREEPUFURUUTU$ aGrapefruit$ p5:22$ sSakamoto Maaya$ #4$ tmigi hoppe no NIKIBI$ p4:03$ sSakamoto Maaya$ #5$ tPOKETTO wo karanishite$ aEmpty the Pocket$ p4:01$ sSakamoto Maaya$ #6$ tORENJI iro toyubikiri$ p4:43$ sSakamoto Maaya$ #7$ tAoi hitomi$ p3:16$ iRemix$ sSakamoto Maaya$ #8$ tYakusoku wa iranai$ p3:32$ cVision of Escaflowne opening theme$ sSakamoto Maaya$ #9$ tMy Best Friend$ p3:41$ cEnglish version of the song Tomodachi from Escaflowne$ sSakamoto Maaya$ #10$ tKaze ga fuku hi$ aThe day the wind blows$ p5:53$ iMa-aya Version$ sSakamoto Maaya$ #11$ tsonomama deiinda$ p4:51$ sSakamoto Maaya$ Review:: Jerry|4|Maaya has a very nice voice. I find the style of the songs kinda 80s, but while I'm not sure if I'm crazy about the melodies, I really like her singing. Fans of Maaya will probably enjoy this CD.