Series::Two-Mix Title::Fantastix II [Next] Picture:: OrderInfo::King KICS-671|Mar-4-1998|Y2000 TrackInfo::6 total: 6 vocal Playtime::28:52 Comment::This is apparantly a continuation of Fantastix, as the tracks are numbered from 14 to 19. Listing:: #14$ tJust Communication II [Next]$ sTwo-Mix$ cThis song sounds very different from the original Just Communication.$ p4:37$ #15$ tGraduation$ sTwo-Mix$ p4:06$ #16$ tFrom Far Distance ~Silk Road~$ sTwo-Mix$ p5:12$ #17$ tMarch$ sTwo-Mix$ p4:12$ #18$ tLiving Daylights Pure$ sTwo-Mix$ p6:05$ #19$ tTime Distortion $ sTwo-Mix$ p4:40$