Series::Urusei Yatsura Title::Urusei Yatsura Remember My Love Singer::eiga BGM shuu 3. OrderInfo::Kitty KTCR-1092|Jun-25-1986|Y2200 TrackInfo::24 tracks Playtime::50:39 Comment::H30K-20025 (1986.3.21), Y2812 Listing:: # 1$ topening theme Born To Be Free$ # 2$ tMarchen Park$ # 3$ t"Prelude"$ cRemember My Love$ # 4$ tBe Bop Walk!$ # 5$ tJust I Know$ # 6$ tLoneliness$ # 7$ tPlease Let Me...$ # 8$ tOut Of Line$ # 9$ tExtra Dimension$ #10$ tDancing In The Harem$ #11$ tI Am You$ #12$ tending theme Remember My Love$ #13$ tBGM #1$ #14$ tBGM #2$ #15$ tBGM #3$ #16$ tBGM #4$ #17$ tBGM #5$ #18$ tBGM #6$ #19$ tBGM #7$ #20$ tBGM #8$ #21$ tBGM #9$ #22$ tBGM #10$ #23$ tBGM #11$ #24$ tBGM #12$