Series::Urusei Yatsura Title::Urusei Yatsura shudai-ka Best 10 Remix ~ Dance Tracks Singer::theme song OrderInfo::Kitty KTCR-1131|Dec-25-1991|Y3000 TrackInfo::12 tracks Playtime::47:47 Comment::The remixes for songs #3,7,9,10, and 11 are well done. The mix for #7 is excellent, probably the best of the CD. Song #9 has piano as its only instrument. However, there were some pretty awful mixes, such as #6,8, and 12. "Rock the Planet" sounds totally out of sync while "Suki kirai" has virtually no music, just beats. For song #12, the mixed version sounds nothing like the original version. Overall, this is a good CD, recommended for people who don't have the Juke Boxes. Otherwise, it is better to stay with Juke Box 1 and 2. Lastly, the remixes on CD have a tendency to implement excessive beats. Listing:: # 1$ tLum no Lovesong$ aLum's love song$ p3:25$ iU.HU.HU...Mix$ # 2$ tuchuu wa tai-hen da!$ aThe universe is weird!$ p3:48$ iDA.DA.Mix$ # 3$ tPajama jama da$ aPajamas get in the way$ p4:48$ iSE.TSU.NA.I.Mix$ # 4$ ttonogata gomen asobase$ aGentlemen, excuse me$ p3:54$ iI.LOVE.YOU.Mix$ # 5$ tDancing Star$ p3:02$ iMOETSUKITE.Mix$ # 6$ tRock the Planet$ p4:22$ iJAMAICA.Mix$ # 7$ tai wa Boomerang$ aLove is a boomerang$ p3:47$ iNAGEMAKURLI.Mix$ # 8$ tsuki kirai$ p4:13$ iSADISTIQUE.Mix$ # 9$ tRemember My Love$ p3:43$ iPRECIOUS.Mix$ #10$ thoshizora Cycling$ aCosmic Cycling$ p3:43$ iTOMARANAI.Mix$ #11$ tGood Luck$ p4:40$ iExciting.Mix$ #12$ tLum no Lovesong$ aLum's love song$ p3:59$ iDOPING.MODE.Mix$