Series::Zillion Title::Akai Koudan Zillion: White Nuts original soundtrack OrderInfo::Star Child K32X-7091|Sep-21-1987|Y3008 TrackInfo:: Playtime::??:?? Comment:: Listing:: # 2$ tPure Stone$ iTV Size$ # 3$ tSTAGE 1 "Free Time"$ # 4$ tAmy to Apple$ # 5$ tsaizensen$ aFront$ # 6$ tSTAGE 2 "In The Sky"$ # 7$ tyasashii mezame o$ aGentle Awakening$ # 8$ tLove Song wa umakunai$ # 9$ tSTAGE 3 "Hot Fighting!"$ #10$ tRicks soukougeki$ aRicks general offensive$ #11$ tfukutsu no White Nuts$ aPersistent White Nuts$ #12$ tCatch Me!$ #13$ tshukumei no taiketsu$ aDestined Showdown$ #14$ tMaris Base no tasogare$ aMaris Base twilight$ #15$ tSTAGE 4 "After The Battlement"$ #16$ tPush!$ iTV Size$