Series::Zillion Title::Akai Koudan Zillion ~ Oshare Kurabu original album Singer::Joke Club OrderInfo::Star Child K32X-7106|Feb-5-1988|Y3008 TrackInfo::10 tracks Playtime::45:51 Comment:: Listing:: # 1$ tPART. I: RICKS in POOL BAR$ # 2$ tMidtown monogatari$ aMidtown story$ # 3$ tI can't stop your heart$ # 4$ tBathtub no naka de$ aIn the bathtub$ # 5$ tPART. II: CHAMP in WILDERNESS$ # 6$ tPART. III: APPLE in STALACTITE GROTTO$ # 7$ tBOY$ # 8$ ttsuyoki-na Season$ aTough season$ # 9$ tPART. IV: J.J in the DAWN$ #10$ tEpilog: Push! ~ yokoku-hen ~ Pure Stone$