Buying Anime CDs

I don't sell CDs! I've gotten numerous requests from people who want to buy CDs but I don't sell them. This list is intended as information for when you buy CDs from other sources such as mail order or convention dealer rooms. Frequently, those sites don't say what's on a CD or if you can't read Japanese, you may have to guess what you're getting. The information on this site is so you can spend your $25+ more wisely.

  1. Use mail order stores.
    Some stores to try are CD Japan (, JIGS (, Nikaku Animart ( and Tokyo Pop (
    All of these stores can try to find items if they don't have it. Note that CD Japan and JIGS are both located in Japan.
    Some other stores around are The Right Stuf, The Place, UCI Bookstore.
  2. Visit a Japanese bookstore like Kinokuniya, or Asahia.
    These are some of the Japanese bookstores in major metropolitan areas like NYC and LA. No I don't know how to get to them but I imagine they'd be listed in the phone book. The prices aren't as good as mail order, and the selection of anime CDs tends to be small though they'll usually have a good selection of J-Pop CDs. They'll tend to have some of the more recent releases.
  3. Go to Japan.
    Kinda expensive for shipping and handling but at least you'll get the current exchange rate.
  4. Visit Chinatown.
    SM CDs can be found in Chinatown.
  5. Go to an anime convention.
    Conventions will usually have a decent selection of CDs though the more popular titles tend to sell out early. Prices vary. If you want to take a chance, there are usually large discounts on the last day of a convention. You can also try your hand at haggling over prices.

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